Wednesday, October 30, 2013

DIY: Adorable Pom-Pom Pillow

There's just something about pom-poms. Or pom-pons, whichever you prefer. 
Either way, they add instant personality. 
And for a long time now, my bed has needed personality. 
Then in walks into my life a beautiful bag on pom-poms at Dollar Tree. 
All this amazingness.. just a buck a piece
My prayers had been answered. 
I still have a lot of plans for this room, but these adorable pillows have really gotten the ball rolling. 
Let me show you how I did it. 
I got pillow forms awhile back from Joann. 
But if I hadn't had them, I've made a habit of going to a local resale store and buying up cheap ones, even if they're ugly. (Just not smelly. Smelly does not work). 
Then I took some cheap, white pillowcases and turned them inside out. 
Inside out, you say? 
Yes. I'm not crazy. Well, not for this reason. 
I turned the pillowcase inside out, and sewed the other two hems in a similar way to give me a shelf around the whole pillow. 

I used option #11. Gave me a good solid foundation
And Oliver supervised

And here's what they looked like after the sewin'
That made it INFINITELY easier to sew on my little pom-poms. 
I hand-sewed them on. I'm sure there's some way to do this on a machine, but it would probably have taken me longer to figure out anyway. 
Needle sans-pom-pom

Needle with pom-pom
I decided to go for randomness, just keeping any colors from touching directly.  
Doesn't this look like a little caterpillar!?
Just keep sewing... just keep sewing... 
And the final product! 

What do you think? 

 Lucy, of course, approves. 

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