Wednesday, March 5, 2014


It's been a ridiculously long time! 
Let me explain. 
For about the last two months, I've been in flux. 
I had some BIG life decisions to make, and that meant a little break from anything that wasn't focusing on and working toward my future. 
But now I'm back with great news! 
I start a completely new job next week in public health. (I've been a crime and government reporter for the past 5 years). 
It's going to be a huge change for me. 
When you're a newspaper reporter, work is often your priority. 
Breaking news trumps girls' night. 
A deadline becomes more important than a dinner date. 
And holidays, quite frankly, just don't exist. 
I'm really proud of the work I did as a newspaper reporter, but I've been feeling for awhile now that it was time for a change. 
I needed something that would give me more balance in my life.
This new job, among a lot of other positives, will give me that.  
As an added plus, it's going to be such a great new challenge. 
So, I'm sorry for the absence, but I have a pretty good excuse right? 

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